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Experience Center

Open on appointment!

About us

In our Experience Center you step into an innovative and dynamic environment filled with inspiration! A showroom filled with items of our brands WOOOD, BePureHome, Exotan and vtwonen in different style studios. Get inspired by the newest designs and trends. During working days the Experience Center is open for business clients by appointment through our account managers. In the weekends we are open for consumers. Would you like to visit the Experience Center? Make an appointment with your accountmanager. Curious to get an impression of our collections? Take a look at the brochures here

Want to visit us?

Jan Tinbergenweg 1
1689 ZV Hoorn
088-9666300 directions

Opening hours

Working days: open for business clients by appointment

Personal contact

Our account managers will be happy to help you

Our account managers will be happy to provide you with personal advice. They will be present at the Experience Center by appointment and will be happy to think along with you. 

  • Experienced & committed

    Experienced account managers who will help you with advice to create the right collections!
  • Large assortment

    More than 1500 items that you can view through our portal or in our showroom! 
  • And much more…

    Inspiring events when it is possible again.

Our brands



The collection of BePureHome is vintage, tough and has a unique character. The vintage influences in the collection mix well with the modern design, so you can combine the items very well.
Discover the collection